“In an interview filmed the afternoon of Sept. 3 and posted on the Web site LinkTV.org, Schwartz was candid about how he envisioned change under a McCain presidency. “Less taxes and more war,” he said, smiling. He said the U.S. should “bomb the hell” out of Iran because the country threatens Israel. Asked by the […]
Author: Kerri Coombs
Sarah Palin’s Heartwarming Homecoming Event
Thanks to April Reign for drawing my attention to this blog account of Saturday’s huge anti-Palin rally in Anchorage. I understand a thousand some-odd protestors might not sound “huge” to most people, but it was far more “huge” than the pro-Palin rally organized by the GOP in the same city, on the same day. I can relate the writer’s […]
A Few Apophatic Reflections
I love the incoming links feature of wordpress. You never know what you’ll find! Where Brad says “for a disturbing look at apophatic theology played out to an extreme, click here”, that’s me. I’m the disturbing look. Looking at a few of his other posts (ie. a Macbeth-esque contemplation of whether or not it’s OK […]
Greenpeace Acquitted
Big news from the Guardian: Six Greenpeace climate change activists have been cleared of causing £30,000 of criminal damage at a coal-fired power station in a verdict that is expected to embarrass the government and lead to more direct action protests against energy companies. I feel like dancing. Woot.
Ignorant Commentators, Aggrieved Boffins and Salaried Liars
I am reading Fred Pearce‘s the Last Generation at the moment, and it’s great. Like Bill Bryson in his Short History of Nearly Everything, Pearce is a master of tying the scientific data he wishes to convey into a human-centered narrative. Pearce does not ask the reader to absorb an endless stream of impersonal facts and […]
We are cutting our carbon emissions by 5 tonnes.
On Sunday we are moving a ten minute walk (instead of a 45 minute commute) from where we both work – with two grocery stores between home and the office. And we’re switching to Good Energy. What I like about them, despite the extra cost, is that I can be absolutely sure none of the […]
The Best Movie I Never Saw… Yet.
Looks like it, anyway. It’s in the mail, in a manner of speaking. Can’t wait! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTN3s2iVKKI]
Book Review: Armed Madhouse
As much as I love to condescend about the multiple social horrors afflicting my American neighbours – private health care, the highest per capita prison population in the world, economic policies that favour the rich by clobbering the poor, yada yada yada – I have to admit I LOVE American dissidents. They are innovative, expert […]
What is the difference between me and Ken Ham?
I was watching Ken Ham brainwashing a mass of children on Youtube an hour ago and I was overcome by feelings of hysterical contempt. I can’t stand religious jibber jabber. As far as I’m concerned, I am the god of my own existence – I am the ultimate authority on all matters pertaining to my own experience […]
Dissident of the Month: Bev Harris
I first clued into the possibility that the US elections are questionable due to a tiny story in the New York Times a few days after 9-11. I was working in a mail room in an office building in Toronto. Many of the executives subscribed to US newspapers. Right up until the attack, the front […]